Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Store is another personal favorite. They are very particular about the merchandise that they accept which means good stuff at great prices. The Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Store proceeds go to feeding and caring for animals at the the Animal Adoption Rescue Center (AARC). This is a cause very near and dear to my heart. The animal shelter is located off Highway 64E in Edneyville.
They have a great variety of merchandise: clothes, home goods and smaller furniture items, outdoor/sporting goods and electronics and more. From a clothing perspective they have a “boutique” area where you will find the higher-end name brands that are priced a bit more than the standard racks of clothing.
They also have daily specials which make good deals even better! Always remember to check their marker board by the door when you arrive. This is where you will find the deals of the day. Often times you will receive 50% 1-2 items of your choice and then remaining items are 25% or 35% off. You can’t beat this.
[symple_callout button_text=”MAP & DIRECTIONS” button_color=”blue” button_url=”,+Hendersonville,+NC+28792&hl=en&sll=37.269174,-119.306607&sspn=9.803851,19.753418&hnear=1214+Greenville+Hwy,+Hendersonville,+North+Carolina+28792&t=m&z=16″ button_rel=”nofollow”]Website: Blue Ridge Humane Society Thrift Store
Phone: 828-692-3503
Address: 1214 Greenville Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28792